In recent weeks numerous people have caught on to the scams and fraud and called out and like always he has to speak on it to try and sway the facts into sugar coated honey BBQ wings with lies of Kidney stones, and diverticuitus and PSC clinics for the gut!!!!
We have gotten emails from a snarky jefferson someone very close to Patrick revealing his scams and lies little by little, this has now gotten to the point where Cat his one time side chick calls him out on fraud.
Little facts whatever Patrick claims is the exact opposite :
Examples saying he has a job or going to work means he is unemployed because if dumpster diving and garbage picking following people around to estates with obituaries and shovels is not only sick it proves our points on his corpse writing.
Patrick awaits for people to pass on and either writes about them or tries to cash in on money to create a new store and clearly he is selling stuff to freaks and geeks fro profit and other thrift pawn shops.......
He says he doesn't shop good will yet thrift shops include good will, what fitbot does he have looking like beeker and the gut size of the state of Texas and more meat on the neck than brisket with 99% fat on it? Fit Bit eating fast food 7 days a week and not working out or hard gets you 0 results.
It reminds me of this commercial of metal detectors don't worry we didn't steal this video for profit we are just re post the link Patrick Scott Patterson's job Melissa must be really proud Patrick!!!! and Brody too
now the info we have is that he is trying to get all the stuff he can to open a new store being the primary guy, and of course fabricate the stories he doesn't find good deals nor did he collect in the 90s it's a stolen story Rudy J. Ferretti spoke of, Patrick was wrestling in the 90s never played a game till 2005 in his life, this is why his mom and dad and family are nowhere to be found nor speak, they are so embarrassed to say the least.....
Patrick and his pals at freaks and geeks found a big storage bin and show stuff little by little in photos on dirty homes and carpets and of course hot blacktop on the ground, great preservation.....
Little fact On Reality TV it's supposed to be as real as possible or you open yourself up to lawsuits
Nobody big is sniffing for a reality show on hunting games or anything else
Reality TV year one makes no money
Patrick is not trying to be a star or preservation guy for passion or loves it's about MONEY
Mistake one you do not go into TV to make money the money comes if you know the right people eventually
Mistake 2 You are NOBODY in the business till you are SAG E or SAG even after that you have dues to pay
Mistake 3 You cannot be morbidly OBESE before you make it
Mistake 4 Lying your way to the top doesn't work
Mistake 5 Real Celebs and talents don't post their life story and pity party and brag fabricated situations and stories 24/7 on Social Media
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